Thursday, June 12, 2008

Orange Crush

Can you believe it? This is how the mystery quilt turned out for me. If you look carefully, you can see that there is a four-patch turned the WRONG way! I'll have to fix that (or not) before I quilt it. It was fun to sew along with dozens of other quilters around the world. I wish I had chosen different colors for my own quilt, however. What was I thinking?!


Gudveig HN said...

I can't find any wrong block! - and I like the colours in your OC. Mine OC is still not put together, but I'm working on it ;-)

Sandy said...

I like your OC - if you don't point out the *wrong* block most folk won't notice it!!

Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving comments - much appreciatted.
Sandy in South Australia